hong kong polytechnic university 在 Plumber King trickles down into Hong Kong street art with calligraffiti ads #社區 | 人物─果籽香港Apple Daily 的影片資訊
While calligraphy advertisements are scattered across Hong Kong, none others are as ubiquitous as th...
While calligraphy advertisements are scattered across Hong Kong, none others are as ubiquitous as th...
紅磡 理大圍城 天橋 抹得走的傷痕 抹不走的記憶 燒焦了的天橋開始翻新 理大連結的天橋,一年前的燒焦痕跡漸斬被新油漆抹去 2020年12月1日 理工大學 - The Hong Kong Polyt...
Humans Offshore was targeting those who chose to leave their island. And there are hundreds of islan...
Raymond Regulus 軒轅光正 https://facebook.com/raymond.regulus.80 唔聽唔講粗口都係奴才!! 江湖豪傑不與奴才為伍!! =============...
Campus TV, HKUSU Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hkucampustv 論壇主題:「一國兩制到盡頭 恣者旁大畏人修」 日期:二零一...
PolyU Design Annual Show 理大設計年展 聽日就最後一日喇,未睇嘅聽日好仆去睇~ 同場加映5個TIPS,希望幫到啲師弟師妹啦? 睇我其他嘅VLOG:https://www.yo...
Animation Video from 4 - student of Digital Media - Best of the Year of the Hong Kong Polytechnic U...
Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/CyLeoHo Credits "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head" music by BJ T...
請用片右下角調HD1080高清睇片。 活化前,PMQ元創方原址是在1951年建成的已婚警察宿舍。香港特區政府於2010年11月宣布改造原址成為標誌性的創意中心;將營運權授予由同心教育文化慈善基金會有...